The purpose of the discussion forums is twofold; first, each forum is an opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery of course objectives by identifying all relevant aspects of the weekly topic, then articulating and supporting one particular viewpoint (providing data or research from the literature in the field).

Second, students contribute to the learning community by interacting with each other and employing critical thinking skills to analyze their peers’ posts, and asking questions that advance the conversation and promote learning beyond the course content.

This aspect of having conversation and healthy debate regarding the weekly topic is meant to simulate the interactions that would typically occur in brick and mortar classrooms.

Total Points: 50 points




Needs Improvement

Initial Post:

Student explores multiple aspects pertaining to the weekly topic

4-5 points

Student demonstrates exemplary critical thinking skills by concisely identifying multiples aspects of the weekly topic, and suggests the ramifications that each aspect presents.

3 points

Student identifies multiple aspects of the weekly topic; could improve the effort to explore ramifications of each aspect.

2 points

Student identifies just one or two aspects of the weekly topic that warrant further examination; yet does not demonstrate an effort to expound upon the various aspects.

1 point

Student identifies only one aspect of the weekly topic rather than taking time to consider the broader scope.

Student articulates a clearly focused viewpoint pertaining to the weekly topic

8-10 points

Student focuses on one aspect of the weekly topic, and articulates an argument/viewpoint that is well-reasoned.

5-7 points

Student focuses on one or two aspects of the weekly topic; the argument or viewpoint is somewhat clear; reasoning needs to be developed.

2-4 points

Student does not narrow focus down to one aspect of the weekly topic; argument or viewpoint is weakly articulated.

1 point

A specific argument or viewpoint is not clearly articulated in the initial post.

Student supports viewpoint with data/reference to relevant literature

8-10 points Student cites and summarizes data or

material taken from the current literature of the field; expertly incorporates the information as supporting evidence to back up the viewpoint.

5-7 points

Student cites and summarizes data or material taken from the literature (may not be the most current); data is relevant but is not seamlessly interwoven into the viewpoint as supportive evidence.

2-4 points

Student selects irrelevant or inappropriate data to back up the viewpoint.

1 point

There is no supportive evidence provided to back up the viewpoint offered in the initial post.

Follow Up Post 1:

Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions.

8-10 points

Student analyzes and evaluates the viewpoint, reasoning, and supportive evidence offered in the initial posts of peers; provides additional data or information that advances the discussion of the weekly topic in a meaningful direction.

5-7 points

Student employs critical thinking skills to analyze the viewpoint and supporting evidence offered by peers; asks probing questions that invite further exploration of the weekly topic.

2-4 points

Student asks relevant questions to clarify the meaning of the initial post offered by peers

1 point

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peers.

Follow Up Post 2:

Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions.

8-10 points

Student analyzes and evaluates the viewpoint, reasoning, and supportive evidence offered in the initial posts of peers; provides additional data or information that advances the discussion of the weekly topic in a meaningful direction.

5-7 points

Student employs critical thinking skills to analyze the viewpoint and supporting evidence offered by peers; asks probing questions that invite further exploration of the weekly topic.

2-4 points

Student asks relevant questions to clarify the meaning of the initial post offered by peers

1 point

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peers.

Overview of Written Expression:

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations (if needed)

4-5 points

Perfect or nearly perfect presentation in written form

3 points

Several errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or citations

2 points

Multiple errors in written presentation that prevent clear interpretation of the writer's meaning

1 point

Written presentation is unclear due to overwhelming errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or citations