Initial Post: Student responds thoroughly and appropriately to the weekly topic

15 points

Student shares three separate introduction clips for speech

10 points

Student shares three separate clips but they are not in one post or it is not clear which is which

5 points

Student shares only one clip

0 points

Student shares no clips


10 points

7 points

4 points

0 points

Initial Post: Student adheres to Rules of Discussion including post length, due dates, and citations

Student shares written statement as to which introduction they like best and why

Student’s written statement is good but does not give a lot of details

Student’s written statement is short and does not give details as to why

Student’s written statement is off focus

Follow Up Post #1: Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions

Student responds to one peers’ post with insights and thoughtful questions that broaden the discussion of the weekly topic in new and appropriate directions.

Student responds to one peers’ post with comments that pertain to the topic and advance the conversation.

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peer.

Student does not respond to any peers’ posts.

Follow Up Post #2: Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions

Student responds to one peers’ post with insights and thoughtful questions that broaden the discussion of the weekly topic in new and appropriate directions.

Student responds to one peers’ post with comments that pertain to the topic and advance the conversation.

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peer.

Student does not respond to any peers’ posts.

Grammar and Netiquette: Student utilizes grammar and netiquette appropriately to communicate in the online forum

5 points

Student shares three separate introduction clips for speech

3 points

Student shares three separate clips but they are not in one post or it is not clear which is which

2 points

Student shares only one clip

0 points

Student shares no clips