
5.0 pts

Used time strategically; Timing shows thoughtful evidence of preparation; did not go above or below the time-limit.

4.0 pts

Speech is within the allotted time frame.

3.0 pts

Meets the time limit but does not demonstrate careful consideration about how to best use time effectively (i.e., a little on the short side but needing more information; a little long but repetitive).

2.0 pts

Student is over- or under-time.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Intro: Grabbed Attention

5.0 pts

Introduction is extremely creative, provocative, and/or engaging; The speaker grabs the audience's attention from the very first words out of their mouth.

4.0 pts

Introduction was well-designed and grabbed the audience's attention.

3.0 pts

Introduction shows careful wordsmithing (i.e., development on paper) but is not delivered in an engaging way; Student begins with "My name is...." and/or "My speech will be about..."

2.0 pts

Introduction is not engaging; Introduction does not begin with attention device; Student "fumbles" before moving into the introduction; Attention device is not evident.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Intro: Preview

5.0 pts

Preview is clear and fluid; Preview does not seem like an afterthought and is instead integrated as a strategic blueprint to the rest of the speech.

4.0 pts

A preview was evident and connected to the thesis statement and the subsequent information (i.e., it wasn't just floating out there)

3.0 pts

A preview is somewhat clear but should be presented more strategically; preview is excessively general and does not adequately present the scope of the points about to be made.

2.0 pts

No preview evident; Some semblance of a preview there but not presented strategically as a blueprint for the speech.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Body: Clear points

5.0 pts

Main points show deliberate and strategic design; Main points connect to the thesis; Main points are clearly identifiable.

4.0 pts

Arguments are supported by research and/or personal experience; Points are well-structured; Points are ordered logically (i.e., spatially, topically, etc.); Points are clear and clearly distinct from the subpoints.

3.0 pts

Main points are researched but research may not always echo the themes presented in the thesis statement; research detracts or detours from the thesis; main points are confusing and not clearly delineated.

2.0 pts

Points are not well-structured and/or connected to the thesis; Main points are haphazard; Main points need lacking the support necessary.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Style: Clarity

5.0 pts

The speech is free of all grammar/pronunciation/articulation errors; Clear evidence of thoughtful and strategic practice and planning; Sets the bar high for others' performance on this speech.

4.0 pts

Speech is both professional and conversational; Speakers demonstrate clear preparation and strategic word choice.

3.0 pts

Speaker may be "too professional" or "too casual." Does not demonstrate strategic mastery over the delivery style; Has not demonstrated critical thought about delivery.

2.0 pts

Speech language not carefully considered; Speaker is not accessible and/or distracting due to language choice; Speaker does not demonstrate a clear commitment to professional delivery.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Style: Passion

5.0 pts

Language is clear, accurate, and vivid; Passion is clear and convicting; The speech's argument is presented in a way that invites the audience to act upon it based solely on the passion from the speaker

4.0 pts

Speaker appears passionate and use language to further enhance the value of their argument.

3.0 pts

Speaker has good words prepared but has not demonstrated effective and vivid delivery of those words; speech is organized but not presented in an engaging way; speaker needs to ramp up the passion.

2.0 pts

Speaker is not clear and vivid; speaker lacks passion; speaker fails to engage the audience due to delivery style.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Style: Transitions

5.0 pts

Transitions are clear, seamless, and show evidence of thoughtful preparation; Transitions both summarize the previous point and the point about to be made (signposts).

4.0 pts

Transitions can be clearly identified throughout all points; all transitions are evident.

3.0 pts

Transitions evident but not always clear; transitions not clear throughout.

2.0 pts

Transitions not evident.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Delivery: Eye contact

5.0 pts

Eye contact is strategic and shows evidence of preparation (eye contact may be toward the webcam or audience); Note cards are used less than 15% of the time; No reading off of the wall and/or a computer monitor.

4.0 pts

Eye contact is strong; Looks at cards 20-35% of the time; Does not read from cards at length; Does not stare at a computer monitor; Does not read off of a wall.

3.0 pts

Speaker reads 45-50% of the time; speaker reads at length; speaker stares at wall and/or monitor; speaker does not demonstrate strategic eye contact.

2.0 pts

Student reads more than 50% of the time; student reads at length; student reads from computer/wall; student does not engage the audience with eye contact.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Delivery: Focus

5.0 pts

Speaker is engaging and conveys expertise over the subject matter; Speaker demonstrates a speaking style that is worthy to be heralded as the standard for other students. Speaker is engaged with the speech situation; Speaker remains focused throughout despite distractions; Speaker is willing to "interject" (i.e., dialogue around the prepared comments)

4.0 pts

Speaker uses a variety of vocal techniques to engage the audience; Speaker shows thoughtful preparation in regard to vocal variety. Speaker "converses" with the audience; speaker is not distracted; speaker does not simply read their speech.

3.0 pts

Speaker demonstrates some "extemporaneous" delivery but may fall into a non-engaging and/or monotone speaking style as the speech goes on. Speaker succumbs to some distractions (external or related to the delivery); Speaker "reads" the speech; Speaker feels robotic.

2.0 pts

Student is monotone; student shows no careful preparation; student does not engage in a variety of vocal techniques; the message suffers because of delivery style. Student is distracted; Student reads speech; Student presents speech as if they are only doing so to complete the assignment.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Delivery: Movement

5.0 pts

Speaker moves and uses gestures in a strategic ways.

4.0 pts

Speaker uses movement and/or gestures to enhance their speech.

3.0 pts

Speaker does not use movement; no evidence of preparation for gestures to supplement the speech.

2.0 pts

Student does not move and/or use gestures in the speech; the student's movement is distracting.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Delivery: Context

10.0 pts

Speaker's full body is visible; Speech is filmed in a highly professional location. The quality of recording is superb!

8.0 pts

Most of the speaker's body is visible; Speech is filmed in an appropriate location. The quality of recording is appropriate.

6.0 pts

Some of speaker's body is obscured; Speech should have been filmed in a more professional location. The quality of recording is not entirely professional.

4.0 pts

Some of speaker's body is obscured; Filming location/style is not appropriate for this course. The recording quality hurts the credibility of the speaker due to its poor quality.

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Purpose: Ceremonial

10.0 pts

Creatively and effectively Builds goodwill and a community around a clearly identified common person, idea, or thing

8.0 pts

Effectively builds goodwill and a community around a common person, idea, or thing

6.0 pts

Begins to build goodwill and a community around a common person, idea, or thing

5.0 pts

Does not build goodwill or a community around a common person, idea, or thing

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

Follow Up Post #1: Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions


15 points

Student responds to one peers’ post with insights and thoughtful questions that broaden the discussion of the weekly topic in new and appropriate directions.

10 points

Student responds to one peers’ post with comments that pertain to the topic and advance the conversation.

5 points

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peer.

0 points

Student does not respond to any peers’ posts.

15 points

Follow Up Post #2: Student advances the conversation through comments and additional questions


15 points

Student responds to one peers’ post with insights and thoughtful questions that broaden the discussion of the weekly topic in new and appropriate directions.

10 points

Student responds to one peers’ post with comments that pertain to the topic and advance the conversation.

5 points

Student simply offers agreement or disagreement with the initial post offered by peer.

0 points

Student does not respond to any peers’ posts.

15 points