Criteria / Indicators






Uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can here presentation.

(18-20 points)

Uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms, most of the time, so that audience members can hear presentation.

(16-17 points)

Uses a clear voice and correct pronunciation some of the time, but there are issues with hearing the presentation.


(12-15 points)

Major issues with voice and pronunciation that make the presentation challenging to hear and understand.


(0-11 points)


Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about the topic during the entire presentation.

(9-10 points)

Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about the topic during most of the presentation.

(8 points)

Demonstrates a positive feeling about the topic during some of the presentation.

(6-7 points)

Shows little to no strong or positive feeling about the topic during the presentation.

(0-5 points)

Eye Contact

Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact during the entire presentation.

(9-10 points)

Hold attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact during most of the presentation.

(8 points)

Maintains eye contact with the audience, but may look away several times at reference materials.

(6-7 points)

Has difficulty holding eye contact with audience throughout the presentation.

(0-5 points)

Body Language

Movements, gestures, and facial expressions are natural and greatly help the audience visualize the information.

(14-15 points)

Movements, gestures, and facial expressions are natural and support the information.

(12-13 points)

Movements, gestures, and facial expressions may be limited, unnatural, or distract from the message.

(12-15 points)

Movements, gestures, and facial expressions are lacking, inappropriate, or distracting.

(0-11 points)

Subject Knowledge

Speaker shows full knowledge of the topic, utilizing details and specifics with few generalizations.

(18-20 points)

Speaker shows knowledge of the topic, with many details and specifics and limited generalizations.

(16-17 points)

Speaker has some misunderstandings of the topic, with some details and too many generalizations.

(12-15 points)

Speaker has limited knowledge of the topic, using generalizations and few details.


(0-11 points)


Speech includes an introduction, body, and conclusion; flows from beginning to end and stays within time constraints.

(14-15 points)

Speech includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, but may not be smooth. Within time by 1 minute.

(12-13 points)

Speech may be missing an introduction, body section, or conclusion. Some transitions are rough. Between 1-2 minutes outside of time.

(9-11 points)

Speech does not appear to have a planned organization and is outside of the time by over 2 minutes.

(0-8 points)

Mechanics / Presentation

Speaker uses proper lighting, camera positioning, attire, and location for speech.

(9-10 points)

Speaker may have issues with lighting, camera, positioning, attire, or location for the speech.\

(8 points)

Speaker has issues with two of the following: lighting, camera positioning, attire, or location.

(6-7 points)

Speaker has issues with three or more of the following: lighting, camera positioning, attire, or location.

(0-5 points)