Week Two Assignment


10.75-12 points


9.5-10.5 points


8.5-9.25 points


7.25-8.25 points


0-7 points

Comprehension of Assignment

(20% of grade)

Drop down menu: 12-10.75 pts


The outline reveals a detailed and thoughtful structure for the narrative. Ideas are ordered in a logical fashion, and clear boundaries for the introduction, body, and conclusion are indicated.

Drop down menu:

10.5 – 9.5


The outline reveals a competent structure for the narrative. The order of ideas is mostly logical and boundaries for the introduction, body, and conclusion are indicated.

Drop down menu

9.25 – 8.5


The outline reveals a minimally competent structure for the narrative. The order of ideas may seem random or not clearly connected.

Drop down menu

8.25 – 7.25


The outline reveals a weakly developed structure for the narrative. There is little order to the ideas, and no clear distinction among the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Drop down menu: 7 – 0


The outline reveals little or no structure for the narrative. Ideas are unclear or absent, and there is no distinction among the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Audience and Purpose

(20% of grade)

Drop down menu: 12-10.75 pts


A sense of audience and purpose is evident.

Drop down menu:

10.5 – 9.5


A sense of audience and/or purpose is developing.

Drop down menu:

9.25 – 8.5


Little sense of audience and/or purpose is evident.


Drop down menu

8.25 – 7.25


Audience and/or purpose is unclear.

Drop down menu: 7 – 0


No sense of audience or purpose is evident.

Organization of Ideas

(20% of grade)

Drop down menu: 12-10.75 pts


Topic sentences and supporting points are written in complete sentences. 

Drop down menu:

10.5 – 9.5


Most Topic sentences and supporting points are written in complete sentences. 

Drop down menu:

9.25 – 8.5


Some topic sentences and supporting points are written in complete sentences.

Drop down menu

8.25 – 7.25


Topic sentences and supporting points consist of fragments or single words/ phrases. 

Drop down menu: 7 – 0


The outline lacks focus and organization, and does not develop topic sentences or supporting evidence.

Writing Skills

(20% of grade)

Drop down menu: 12-10.75 pts


Word choice is precise, and grammatical errors are rare or absent. The assignment meets the APA requirements.

Drop down menu:

10.5 – 9.5


Word choice is appropriate, and some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. The assignment mostly meets the APA requirements.

Drop down menu:

9.25 – 8.5


Word choice is imprecise, and errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. APA requirements are attempted.


Drop down menu

8.25 – 7.25


Word choice is inappropriate. Errors in grammar and mechanics significantly interfere with meaning. Little or no attempted to follow APA requirements

Drop down menu: 7 – 0


Words are poorly selected. Errors in grammar and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning. Little or no attempted to follow APA requirements.


(20% of grade)

Drop down menu 12-10.75 pts


The freewrite is extensive and covers multiple aspects of the topic.

Drop down menu:

10.5 – 9.5


A well-developed freewrite is included.

Drop down menu:

9.25 – 8.5


The freewrite is underdeveloped or does not explore multiple aspects of the topic.

Drop down menu

8.25 – 7.25


The freewrite consists of only a few words or ideas.

Drop down menu: 7 – 0


The freewrite demonstrates little effort or is absent.


Total: 60 pts.