Week 5 Assignment


22.5-25 points


20-22.25 points


17.5-19.75 points


15-17.25 points


0-14.75 points

Comprehension of Assignment

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


The informative essay presents a compelling, thorough, and insightful explanation of a process or profile of an individual. The writer offers carefully chosen evidence to develop the essay, citing sources where necessary and providing commentary and analysis.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


The informative essay presents a competent explanation of a process or profile of an individual. The writer offers evidence to develop the essay and provides some commentary or analysis of supporting evidence. 

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


The informative essay presents a minimally competent explanation of a process or profile of an individual. The writer offers some evidence to develop the essay, but the essay lacks commentary and analysis. Some of the evidence may occasionally be inappropriate or weak.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


The informative essay presents a weakly developed explanation of a process or profile of an individual. The writer offers minimal and/or inappropriate evidence to support its claim and fails to analyze the evidence offered. 

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


The informative essay presents an ineffective explanation of a process or profile of an individual. Ideas and explanations are absent, irrelevant, unsupported by evidence, or incomprehensible.

Application of Course Knowledge and Content

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


The essay is focused, demonstrates a clear sense of purpose and audience, and uses appropriate tone and style.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


The essay generally maintains its focus and demonstrates a sense of purpose, tone, and audience.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


The essay generally maintains its focus with minor digressions. Its sense of purpose, tone, and audience may be unclear. 

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


The writer’s ideas are difficult to follow because of significant problems in one or more the following areas: unclear focus, lack of organization, weak controlling idea, and redundancy. Style and tone may be inappropriate for the audience. 

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


The essay demonstrates significant problems that make the writer’s ideas difficult to follow and lacks focus. Style and tone are inappropriate for the audience

Organization of Ideas

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Organization is coherent with appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs to create a cohesive whole. Word choice is precise, and sentences are varied.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Organization is generally clear with transitions between paragraphs. A competency with language is apparent. Word choice is appropriate and sentences are sometimes varied.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Organization is clear enough to follow. A limited control of language is apparent. Word choice is imprecise and sentences may be poorly constructed or confusing.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


Organization is weak or unclear. Writing demonstrates weak control of language.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


The writing lacks organization and demonstrates poor control of language.

Writing Skills

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Grammatical errors are rare or absent. The assignment meets the APA requirements.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. The assignment mostly meets the APA requirements.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Significant errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. APA requirements are attempted.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


A pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics significantly interferes with meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements is demonstrated.


Total: 100 pts.