
22.5-25 points


20-22.25 points


17.5-19.75 points


15-17.25 points


0-14.75 points

Comprehension of Assignment

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


The summary is accurate, complete, and concise. Effective choices were made about what to include in the summary. A reader would have a thorough understanding of the article’s main points.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


The summary is mostly accurate, complete, and concise.  Most of the choices about what to include were effective. A reader would have a clear understanding of the article’s main points.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


The summary is minimally accurate, complete, or concise. Effective choices were made, but some details are unnecessary. A reader would have a clear understating of the article’s main points.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


The summary is weakly developed, partially inaccurate, or too long. The writer includes too much or too little information from the article. Readers would have to struggle to understand the article’s main points. 

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


The summary is ineffective, incomplete, or inaccurate. Ideas from the article may be misrepresented. Readers would not have a clear understanding of the article.

Application of Course Knowledge and Content

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


A third person, objective tone is maintained throughout. The title of the article and authors are clearly identified in the summary. Quotes and paraphrases are used and cited accurately.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


A third person, objective tone is mostly maintained. Some effort is made to identify the title of the article and authors in the summary.

Quotes and paraphrases are used and cited with some accuracy.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


A third person tone is used, but the writer’s opinion or editorializing (“This is a well-written article.”) may be present.  Some effort is made to identify the title of the article and authors in the summary. Quotes, paraphrases, and in-text citations are attempted.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


Third person tone is not maintained, or the writer’s opinion/ editorializing is present throughout. Little effort is made to identify the source within the body of the summary. Quotes, paraphrases, or citations may be few or absent.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Third person is not used or the summary consists mostly of the writer’s opinion on the article or the topic. The source is not identified in the body of the essay. No quotes, paraphrases, or citations are used. 

Organization of Ideas

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Organization is coherent with appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs to create a cohesive whole.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Organization is generally clear with transitions between paragraphs. A competency with language is apparent. 

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Organization is clear enough to follow. A limited control of language is apparent. 

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


Organization is unclear. Writing demonstrates weak control of language.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


The essay lacks organization, making the writer’s ideas difficult to follow. Writing demonstrates weak control of language.

Writing Skills

(25% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Word choice is precise, sentences are varied, and grammatical errors are rare or absent. The assignment meets the APA requirements.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Word choice is appropriate and sentences are sometimes varied. Some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. The assignment mostly meets the APA requirements.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Word choice is imprecise and sentences may be poorly constructed or confusing. Errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. APA requirements are attempted.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


A pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics significantly interferes with meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements is demonstrated.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning. Little or no attempt to follow APA requirements is demonstrated.