







Not Yet


Comprehension of Assignment

(30% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 30-27 pts.


The essay presents a convincing and insightful analysis of an article. The author focuses on the rhetoric used in the article and identifies many of the strategies used by the author.




Drop down menu:

26-24 pts.


The essay presents a well-defined analysis. The author focuses on the rhetoric and provides sufficient evidence and examples.

Drop-down menu:

23-21 pts.


The essay presents a minimally defined analysis. The writer attempts to identify rhetorical devices, but the evidence is underdeveloped or only partially explained.

Drop-down menu:

20-18 pts.


The essay presents a weakly developed analysis. The writer attempts to identify rhetorical devices but offers minimal and/or inappropriate evidence.

Drop-down menu:

17-0 pts.


The essay presents an ineffective analysis. The writer fails to identify rhetorical devices or offers inappropriate evidence.

Application of Course Knowledge and Content

(20% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 20-18 pts


Quotes, paraphrases and summaries from the article enhance the analysis and are cited correctly.

Drop down menu:

17-16 pts.


Quotes, paraphrases and summaries are included. Citations are mostly accurate.

Drop-down menu:

15-14 pts.


An effort to use borrowed material is made, but the quotes may be “dropped into” the essay without connecting them to the surrounding material.  Citations are attempted.

Drop-down menu:

13-12 pts.


Little effort is made to borrow material from the source, or there is little separation between the writer’s ideas and the author’s ideas.

Citations are attempted.

Drop-down menu:

11 – 0 pts.


Little or no effort is made to borrow material from the source. Citations are few, inaccurate, or incomplete.

Organization of Ideas

(20% of grade)

Drop-down menu: : 20-18 pts



Organization is coherent with appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs to create a cohesive whole.

Drop down menu:

17-16 pts.


Organization is generally clear with transitions between paragraphs. A competency with language is apparent.

Drop-down menu:

15-14 pts.


Organization is clear enough to follow. A limited control of language is apparent.

Drop-down menu:

13-12 pts.


Organization is unclear. Writing demonstrates weak control of language.

Drop-down menu:

11 – 0 pts.


The essay lacks organization, making the writer’s ideas difficult to follow. Writing demonstrates weak control of language.

Writing Skills

(20% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 20-18 pts


Word choice is precise, sentences are varied, and grammatical errors are rare or absent.

Drop down menu:

17-16 pts.


Word choice is appropriate and sentences are sometimes varied. Some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present.

Drop-down menu:

15-14 pts.



Word choice is imprecise and sentences may be poorly constructed or confusing. Errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present.

Drop-down menu:

13-12 pts.


A pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics significantly interferes with meaning.

Drop-down menu:

11 – 0 pts.


Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning.

Presentation (10% of grade)

Drop down menu: 10-9 pts


Exceptional use of APA formatting (one-inch margins, double spaced, page numbers at top right, and title page).


Drop down menu: 8 pts


Competent use of APA formatting. Errors are rare or absent.


Drop down menu: 7 pts.


Some effort to use APA formatting. Some of the requirements are not followed, or some errors are evident.


Drop down menu: 6 pts.


Marginal effort to use APA formatting. Most of the requirements are missing, or several errors are evident.


Drop down menu: 5-0 pts


Little or no effort to use APA formatting.