
22.5-25 points


20-22.25 points


17.5-19.75 points


15-17.25 points


0-14.75 points

Comprehension of Assignment

(33.3% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Five sources are evaluated along each of the five dimensions (creator, purpose, age, venue, and relevance). The evaluations thoroughly demonstrate each source’s relevance and credibility. The EBSCO practice is mostly or completely accurate.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Five sources are evaluated along each of the five dimensions. Sufficient information is given to demonstrate each source’s relevance and credibility. The EBSCO practice is mostly accurate, though there may be a few errors.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Five sources are evaluated along each of the five dimensions. Little information is given or some dimensions are not fully developed. The EBSCO practice is somewhat accurate.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


Five sources are evaluated, but their relevance or credibility is not clearly demonstrated. Evaluations may be vague or underdeveloped.  The EBSCO practice contains significant errors or is incomplete. 

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Fewer than five sources are evaluated. Relevance and credibility of sources is questionable or incomplete. The EBSCO practice is missing.

Application of Course Knowledge and Content

33.3% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Evaluations are written in complete sentences and paragraphs. The format used is clear and easy to follow. Accurate References page citations are given.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Evaluations are written in complete sentences and paragraphs but could be more developed. The format is clear and easy enough to follow. References page citations are mostly accurate.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Evaluations are clear enough to follow but need more development.  The format is clear and easy enough to follow. References page citations are somewhat accurate but may be missing key information.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


Evaluations are vague, incomplete, or difficult to follow. They may consist only of phrases or one sentence each (no paragraphs). Format is difficult to follow. References page citations may list only URLs or be otherwise incomplete. 

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Evaluations are incomplete, incomprehensible, or missing. Format is difficult to follow. Reference page citations are missing.

Writing Skills

(33.3% of grade)

Drop-down menu: 25 – 22.5 pts.


Word choice is precise, sentences are varied, and grammatical errors are rare or absent.

Drop down menu:

22.25 – 20 pts.


Word choice is appropriate and sentences are sometimes varied. Some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present.

Drop-down menu:

19.75 – 17.5 pts.


Word choice is imprecise and sentences may be poorly constructed or confusing. Errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present.

Drop-down menu:

17.25 – 15 pts.


A pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics significantly interferes with meaning.

Drop-down menu:

14.75 – 0 pts.


Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning.