





Completeness of the assignment (25%)

Blog  includes all of the required elements

Blog  includes most of the required elements

Blog  includes over half of the required elements

Blog is missing significant elements, half or less than.

Missing too many of the required elements

Comprehension and Demonstration of Understanding (25%)

Student presents a clear and strong explanation of genetic disease and the pattern of inheritance and relevant information for the parents.

Students demonstrates and understanding the genetic disease and the correct pattern of inheritance but additional information is needed

Student’s explanation lack clear understanding of the genetic disease or disease is not identified.  Pattern of inheritance is lacking or inaccurate.

Student’s explanation lacks understanding of the disease or pattern of inheritance.  Explanation is inaccurate.

Disease is not inherited or explanation is off topic.  

Application and Accuracy


Examples and details support a strong explanation and support a complete understanding.

Attempts to share examples that further demonstrates understanding.

Lacks strong connection beyond simply stating facts

Simply meets the assignment criteria with no attempt to make stronger connections to further the key points.

Missing examples or details needed fully explain the disease or inheritance.

Presentation (15%)

8-10 Slides are well constructed, using relevant, engaging, credited images and text that highlights and assists the audience in understanding the genetic diseases and inheritance.

6-8 Slides are constructed using relevant, credited images and text that assists the audience in understanding the genetic diseases and inheritance.

Slides are difficult to read with too much wording or color scheme.  Slides lack a logical flow or format.

Slides are constructed using irrelevant or uncredited images and minimal or irrelevant text.

Slides are lacking information or pictures.

Writing Skills (5%)


Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment.

Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment.

Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment.

Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting.


References (5% )

Include reference list and in-text citations

Makes an effort to cite references and quotations.

References are present but not lack a clear way to find the resource.

No evident of references cited when references should be used.


Missing references when references were used.