Scholarly Writing for Healthcare Professionals – Week 7 Assignment 1

Modified Mini Capstone Chapter 1 Part 1


General instructions template for entire Capstone – use as a resource

Use this simplified template for this assignment.


A sample of an unmodified Capstone Chapter 1. You will be developing a Modified Capstone Chapter 1 from the topic identified in Week 6. Three sections in this sample are not applicable. See below for required sections.


Here is an abbreviated look:

Text Box: Chapter 1: Introduction
Problem Statement
Significance of the Problem











This may look daunting at first, but it just another modification of what you already know!

Be flexible, follow the instructions and the template format, and apply the same principles that you have been using for the past six weeks.


For Part 1 of this assignment, you will utilize your topic from Week 6, add an additional reference or two for a total of five to six for this week and next, and place them on the Reference page, Then create the cover page, the title page, the table of contents, and write the introduction and background. The rest will be completed in Week 8.


Please review the lectures covering this material prior to starting. Utilize the concepts to develop Part 1 of the Modified Capstone Chapter. When complete [both Parts 1 & 2], the paper will contain a minimum of four to five pages.


Analyze the elements of a Capstone paper.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

·         Utilize the topic from your Week 6 paper.

·         Conduct a search of the library databases and internet for a total of five to six scholarly references less than five years old [2015-2019]. Since you are using the Week 6 paper as a foundation for the Capstone, you should already have four to five references. You will only need to find one to two more for this week.

·         Use the template for this week’s assignment.

·         Ensure that your paper has a cover page, a title page, body paragraphs per the template for the introduction and background sections, and a completed reference page. [In the full Capstone paper, you would place the reference page as the last page, not after Chapter 1. For our purposes, please place it at the end of Chapter 1].

·         Ensure each of your references is used. Properly cite using in-text citations.

·         Use correct APA formatting throughout.

·         Include any suggested corrections from feedback for the Weeks 4-6 papers.

·         Run your paper through Grammarly and revise accordingly.

·         Use the Scholarly Writing Checklist.

·         If you are an English Language Learner, ask a native English speaker for suggestions.

·         Use at least three methods of review/proofing prior to submission.

·         Send your draft through but remember to upload it early enough to receive the feedback and make corrections for a 12-hour turnaround.

·         Check your SafeAssign report and make corrections as needed. Contact your professor if you need to resubmit based on SafeAssign results.


View your assignment rubric.

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