
21-25 points


16-20 points


11-15 points


6-10 points


0-5 points

Deductive Argument Examples

Addressed the question completely and thoroughly, providing accurate examples of all four deductive argument forms.

Addressed the question completely, providing nearly accurate examples of all four deductive argument forms.

Addressed part the question, providing nearly accurate examples of all but one argument form.

Addressed only part of the question or did not understand the forms, providing accurate examples for half or less of the argument forms.

Did not attempt the prompt and/or plagiarized the response.

Three Premise Syllogism

Constructed a three premise syllogism that accurately demonstrated the student’s thorough understanding of the prompt.

Constructed a three premise syllogism that demonstrated the student’s understanding of the prompt.

Constructed a three premise syllogism that demonstrated some confusion on the part of the student about what constitutes a syllogism.

Constructed a three premise statement that did not fit the requirements of a syllogism.

Did not attempt the prompt and/or plagiarized the response.

Inductive Argument Pattern

Constructed an inductive argument pattern that accurately demonstrated the student’s thorough understanding of the prompt.

Constructed an inductive argument pattern that demonstrated the student’s understanding of the prompt.

Constructed an inductive argument pattern that demonstrated some confusion on the part of the student about the prompt.

Constructed an answer that did not fit the requirements of an inductive argument pattern.

Did not attempt the prompt and/or plagiarized the response.

Writing Skills

Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless. Arguments are labeled and document includes name, section, and date.

Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate. Arguments are labeled and document includes name, section, and date.

Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), arguments are labeled and document includes name, section, and date.

Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). Arguments are not properly labeled and/or name, section, and date information is missing.

Did not attempt the assignment and/or plagiarized content.