




30-40 points

Student presents thorough, accurate and complete information about the biases chosen and convincing, realistic warnings about the dangers they entail.

20-29 points

Student presents, accurate and complete information about the biases chosen and realistic warnings about the dangers they entail.

10-19 points

Student presents, mostly accurate information about the biases chosen and warnings about the dangers they entail.

0-9 points

Student’s presentation is lacking in information about the biases and/or warnings about the dangers they entail.


30-40 points

Student’s use of language contains no errors and is easily readable and understandable.

20-29 points

Student’s use of language contains few errors and is readable and understandable.

10-19 points

Student’s use of language contains several errors but is readable and understandable.

0-9 points

Student’s use of language contains multiple errors that make it difficult to read and/or understand.

Presentation Design

15-20 points

All three signs are well formatted with clear messages and images that enhance the urgent nature of the warnings they contain.

10-14 points

All three signs are well formatted with clear messages and images.

5-9 points

Some of the signs are lacking in clear formatting or images.

0-4 points

None of the signs are formatted as warning signs and/or none include the required images.