
20-25 points


15-19 points


10-14 points


5-9 points


0-4 points

Comprehension of Assignment

Addressed the assignment prompt(s) completely and thoroughly, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter.

Addressed the prompt(s) completely and thoroughly.

Addressed the majority of the prompt(s).

Addressed minimal portions of the prompt(s).

Did not address the prompt(s).

Application of Course Knowledge and Content

Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner.

Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete.

Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete.

Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete.

Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete.

Assignment Skills

Original assignment is effectively and creatively developed and presented in an appropriate format for a job posting.

Original assignment is effectively developed and presented in an appropriate format for a job posting.

Original assignment is effectively developed but not formatted as a job posting.

Assignment is under-developed, lacks originality or is poorly presented.

Assignment appears to have been copied from other sources and is not original.

Communication Skills

Writing (including spelling, punctuation, etc.) is flawless throughout the entire assignment.

Writing (including spelling, punctuation, etc.), is accurate within a majority of the assignment.

Partial errors in the writing (including spelling, punctuation, etc.) within minimal portions of the assignment.

Multiple errors in the writing (including spelling, punctuation, etc.) make it difficult to read or follow.

Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with grammar (including spelling, punctuation, etc.).