Group Project Rubric


Criteria for Group Project









PowerPoint Presentation:
30 points

Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts in a logical, interesting sequence, utilizing presentation best practices.

Presents ideas and concepts in a logical sequence.

Ideas and concepts presented are unrealistic and/or unorganized.

Presentation incomplete and/or missing from project documents.


20 points

Presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts in a persuasive tone. Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

Presents ideas and concepts but is not persuasive. Includes minimal errors in mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

Has difficulty presenting ideas and concepts in a cohesive manner. Includes several errors in mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

Proposal incomplete and/or missing from project documents.


20 points

Budget is clearly formatted, financially accurate and includes realistic figures of the proposal.

Budget is clearly formatted and has minimal errors, but figures are unrealistic.

Budget lacks proper formatting, and has multiple financial errors.

Budget incomplete and/or missing from project documents.

Group Discussion:

10 points

Worked effectively within the group and communicated regularly

Participated in discussion regularly, but contributed ineffectively to group goal.

Participated minimally in group discussion.

Did not participate in group discussion.

Group Evaluations:

20 points

Completed peer reviews thoroughly and earned positive feedback from group members.

Completed peer reviews and earned primarily positive feedback from group members.

Provided minimal peer review feedback and/or received negative feedback from group members.

Did not submit peer reviews and received negative feedback from group members.