Introduce the topic in one or more paragraphs. Briefly describe the main ideas and context. Begin with the attention-getter. For example: Oceans are quickly becoming the new dumping grounds of society (Moore, 2016). Why is this topic important? For example: Many ocean wildlife species are in danger of extinction if no action is taken by the global community to stop dumping pollution (Waters & Littleton, 2017). Tie in the background information. For example: Since the organization’s founding in 1981, Ocean Peace has gained a reputation for non-violent measures taken to protect the ocean environment (Zelko, 2015). End the introduction with your thesis. Your thesis should indicate whether your research supports a recommendation for future students to perform service learning at the organization. Your recommendation should include reasons why you do or do not recommend the organization for service learning opportunities. For example: Students will benefit from service learning with Ocean Peace because the organization’s programs have proven to impact the community's awareness of ocean pollution and service learning is beneficial in connecting education to real world issues. Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the three paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Community Organization
Community Partnerships
Discuss community partnerships the organization has. For example: Ocean Peace had partnered with big shipping companies in the Pacific Ocean to police the waters for dumping violators (Keen, Schwarz & Simon, 2017). The partnerships resulted in lower ocean dumping rates (Cash, Baily & Shew, 2017).
Suggest additional partnerships you feel they should have. For example: Jenkins and Popper (2016) suggested Ocean Peace find methods to partner with ocean vessel manufacturers to prevent ship designs from including toxic chemical coatings. Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the two different types of paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Cross Cultural Challenges and Humanitarian
Critics of Ocean Peace declared the cultural challenges of working internationally were not sufficiently addressed as the organization expanded its reach to the global community (Shelby, 2016; Cash et al., 2017). The organization continues to look for innovative methods in developing relationships with foreign nations. Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the one quoted and two paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Demonstrate how the organization uses volunteers and the economic benefits associated with this (not just “free labor”). For example: Volunteers are an integral part of the Ocean Peace mission. The organization depends on volunteers to educate and police the public (Henderson, Newman, Ferguson & Jung, 2016). However, things haven’t always gone smooth for the men and women devoting time to the cause.
In 1999, volunteers went to remote beach villages to teach the local people about the dangers of continued ocean sewage dumping. Volunteers were not trained on how to greet the local people, which caused some frustrations among the new communities who felt their customs were violated. Ultimately, the organization developed new training methods for volunteers which results in saved time, saved money, and better initial relationships on future missions (Henderson at al., 2016). Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the two paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Illustrate any roadblocks that the organization has faced or potential could face and how they did or might find solutions. For example: Ocean Peace had faced several roadblocks in navigating waters off the coast in some areas. Keen et al. (2017) claimed the organization had entered waters off the coast of New Zealand without proper authorizations. The coast guard escorted protestors and researches to shore and the organization was fined for misconduct.
In another incident, pirates boarded and held hostage Ocean Peace vessel crews until ransoms were paid in the waters off Venetia (Waters & Littleton, 2017). Shelby (2016) recommended organizations like Ocean Peace use due diligence in filing for correct authorizations and develop partnerships with local law enforcement to help protect volunteers and researchers. Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the two different types of paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Future Vision
Describe the organization’s vision for the future. For example: Ocean Peace has established a foundation for the education of youth on ocean wildlife conservation. The organization hopes to raise enough funds to support educational programs on a global scale (Peachey & Cohen, 2016). Through the support of volunteers and partnerships at universities, Ocean Peace projects it will have over 100 educational programs in place by 2020. Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the one paraphrased citation in this paragraph.
Indicate what areas in which you feel the organization could improve. What challenges (technological, political, economic, laws and regulations, community-based initiatives, educational, etc.) will they need to overcome? For example: Not everyone agrees with Ocean Peace global initiatives. Ocean Peace proposed a potential planet wide ban on chlorine due to the chemical compounds that have the potential to kill wildlife.
Critics of this ban cited the benefits of chlorine to the public health and suggested the organization use a more scientific approach to developing environmental campaigns (Moore, 2016). The organization “should work toward educating the global community on ocean related abuses and steer clear of scare tactics as a method of affecting change” (Calypso, Parrish & Crowne, 2017). Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the two paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Your Role
Discuss potential ways you might be able to contribute to the organization. How could your own interests, talents, and skills benefit this organization? Discuss potential ways future students might be able to contribute to the organization. What would be the benefits or drawbacks for future students in performing service learning at this organization? For example: While the time needed to make an impact on ocean environmental issues is considerable, students would benefit from a service learning opportunity at Ocean Peace because they will connect their educational experiences to real world issues.
The organization provides real world opportunities for students to learn and train others about the current state of global oceans and wildlife (Zelko, 2015). Students in environmental sciences will especially be suited for service learning with Ocean Peace as they have knowledge and skills to share with other volunteers and students. Researchers found service learning students with enthusiasm and creativity have made a positive impact in community organizations (Vizenor, Souza & Ertmer, 2016). Include in-text citations to support your claims as exampled in the two paraphrased citations in this paragraph.
Restate your thesis. This means that you say about the same thing as you did in your thesis, but you say it differently. For example: Although international laws pose restrictions to some educational efforts, students should perform service learning at Ocean Peace for two main reasons.
First, programs
have proven to impact the community’s awareness of ocean pollution and harm
this causes to the environment. But most
importantly, service learning is a proven method of connecting education to
real world issues (Vizenor et al.,
2016). After restating your thesis,
restate the topics from each of your body sections and emphasize what is
important for your audience/readers to remember. End your conclusion with a call to action
that illustrates what your audience/readers should do with the information you
presented. Include in-text citations to
support your claims in this conclusion.
(page break)
Calypso, D., Parrish, A. B., & Crowne, L. (2017). Ocean Peace scare tactics push some advocates away. Journal of Science and Nature, 24(2), 19-25.
Cash, R., Baily, A., & Shew, P. (2017). A new horizon for ocean going liners and vessels against the wishes of Ocean Peace. Ocean Chronicles, 10(2), 115-124. doi: 10.2017./i.ocen.2017.0167
Henderson, S., Newman,
J., Ferguson, R., & Jung, P. (2016). Healthy volunteer: Ocean Peace
volunteers' health metrics with healthy people. Preventive Medicine
Reports, 4, 179-183. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.05.016
Jenkins, K.,
& Popper, B. (2016). Cultivating empathy in university-Ocean Peace
partnerships. International Educator, 25(1), 48-51.
M., Schwarz, A., & Simon, L. (2017). Towards defining the Blue Economy:
Practical lessons from Pacific Ocean governance. Marine Policy.
Moore, P. (2016). The truth about ocean "acidification". New Criterion, 34, 16-19.
Peachey, J.,
& Cohen, A. (2016). Research partnerships in the environment for
development and peace: Challenges, barriers, and strategies. Journal of
Sport Management, 30(3), 282-297.
Shelby, E. T.
(2016). Roots of the Ocean Peace: Environmental issues for a global
people. Peace & Change, 41(2), 221-254.
Waters, P.,
& Littleton, C. A. (2017). Ocean
dumping practices are killing the animals. Journal for Research in
Environmental Issues, 58(1), 1-15.
Vizenor, N., Souza, T., & Ertmer,
J. (2016). Benefits of participating in service-learning, business-related
classes: Assessing the impact on community partners. Journal for Research in Business Education, 58(1), 1-15.
Zelko, F. (2015). The Peace
Arrives: Ocean Peace and Grass Roots Environmentalism in West Germany. Australian Journal of Politics &
History, 61(3), 397-413. doi:10.1111/ajph.12110