Thesis Generator


Based on your research, you will make a recommendation about your organization through a thesis statement.  If you are having trouble getting started on your thesis, it can help to envision your project as a conversation with your audience.


(1)       Dear Audience, I want to convince you that. . . 




Ocean Peace is a good environmental organization for service learning.

  Your Turn


(2)       The main reasons why you should believe me are that. . . 




Ocean Peace’s programs have proven to impact the community's awareness of ocean pollution.

  Your Turn





(3)       The reason you should care is because…




Service learning is beneficial in connecting education to real world issues.


  Your Turn



(4)       Now, take those ideas and write 1-2 sentences that make an argument.




Students will benefit from service learning with Ocean Peace because the organization’s programs have proven to impact the community's awareness of ocean pollution and service learning is beneficial in connecting education to real world issues.

  Your Turn: What is your thesis statement?







Adapted from Patrick Rael’s Reading, Writing, and Researching for History, Bowdoin College